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God Of War III 720p: The Critically Acclaimed Game that Lets You Take Revenge on the Greek Gods

Writer's picture: carkanelgiconmacarkanelgiconma

From: Kai200X #034>3. If you own a 1080p TV then everything you play on it will be automatically upscaled to 1080p, Just wondering how you can do that? My Sony TV is 1080p, but when I play God of War III it says on the screen it run at 720p.

God Of War III 720p

Of course, the main draw of the $40 God of War Collection will be its inclusion of the first two God of War games with remastered 720p high-definition graphics. Given the PS3's current lack of backward compatibility, the God of War collection will be the only way gamers without a PS2 or early PS3 model can enjoy the two games.

Thanks to your feedback, we are excited to announce the God of War Collection for this Holiday Season. Now fans and newcomers to the series can experience the epic journey of God of War and God of War II in 720p HD form. Both titles have been remastered with anti-aliased graphics, running at 60 frames per second for a smooth gameplay experience, only on the PS3 system. Additionally, the Blu-ray Disc compilation will bring the PlayStation Network (PSN) trophy support to the franchise for the very first time.

All the previous God of War titles ran at variable frame rates (minus the Collection) and I dare everyone here to find a single spot where you can actually tell where the dip was. I am still amazed that some people complain about this whole 720p Vs. 1080p even though they will never tell the difference unless they over analyze the picture under a microscope.

" All the previous God of War titles ran at variable frame rates (minus the Collection) and I dare everyone here to find a single spot where you can actually tell where the dip was. I am still amazed that some people complain about this whole 720p Vs. 1080p even though they will never tell the difference unless they over analyze the picture under a microscope. "

@Hailinel: You shouldn't. It really doesn't make all that much difference if a console game runs natively in 720p 0r 1080p. Hell, most Multi Platform and 360 exclusives aren't even in 720p. "

This just fucked up my day, that's for sure. I was really looking forward to this game. I was looking forward to taking control of this epic, murdering bastard. But now I discover that I'm being forced, at this hour of my life, to watch fuzzy 720p bullshit? ...and what's this about the frame rate dropping to as low as thirty fps? Are they fucking trying to give people seizures? Thanks for this info... and although I really didn't want to face up to the truth, it helps. I would have bought this game. Like an idiot.

To get an idea of how successful the developer has been with its remastering, check out this comparison footage, taken from both Chains of Olympus and the technologically more challenging Ghost of Sparta. Here, we've captured the same clips from the PSP version, upscaled them, and put them side-by-side with the PS3 version running at 720p.

The new God of War Collection actually has the ability to run at three different resolutions, depending on how the PlayStation 3's XMB is set. If you have 1080p engaged, both Chains of Olympus and Ghost of Sparta will default to a full 1920x1080 framebuffer. The developer could have downscaled this for 720p users in order to provide supersampling anti-aliasing (Sacred 2 follows this approach) but instead opts for native 1280x720, resulting in a more consistent frame-rate. Finally, both games also support stereoscopic 3D, with 720p per eye packed into the usual HDMI 1.4 format.

A commonality between all rendering formats is that Ready at Dawn has elected not to implement anti-aliasing at all. This is just about the only disappointment we have with the in-game look of the new release (the last God of War Collection supported 2x multisample anti-aliasing, but there was no 1080p mode). Especially in 720p mode, the jaggies are quite pronounced - mostly down to the high contrast edges and the relatively low poly count. While anti-aliasing on a full 1080p framebuffer might have been asking a bit too much, some kind of edge-smoothing at 720p would have made a great deal of difference.

For the purist looking for the best possible gameplay experience, 720p mode is the way to go. Aside from a few frame-rate dips on cinematics, the actual in-game action is essentially running at a locked 60FPS. Similar to the first God of War Collection, the only impact to frame-rate comes from screen-filling fiery and magical effects but even here the impact to gameplay is minimal.

Switching over 1080p gives you the 2.5x resolution boost and fewer issues with jaggies (because, put simply, the edges are that much smaller) but the compromise comes in the form of more screen-tear and more noticeable dips in frame-rate. Once again, cinematics bear the brunt of it, but the full HD support can see tearing encroach into actual gameplay. There's no doubting that there's a definite visual edge in opting for 1080p, but fill-rate issues at 720p are only magnified at the higher resolution, resulting in more noticeable performance dips.

IGN's God of War II review is so ahead of its time that it (admittedly) fails to provide feedback on two key features of the retail edition of the game -- neither of which apparently would affect the review's overall score (9.7/10). The first is simply a bonus disc bloated with fanboy fluff (behind-the-scenes doc, etc.). The second, and more significant, is that God of War II will run in 720p (HD) resolution when played on PlayStation 3. The question for PS3 owners with HD displays, who are still holding onto their PS2s, becomes: is now the time I trade rumble for a sharper image? (PS2 owners wondering if this is the reason to upgrade to PS3 should know that it's not.)

actually it's 1080p that SONY calles "FULL HD" or "TRUE HD" According to them 720p is HD but like the cheaper knockoff or something. LOL Can the PS3 do 1080p at 60FPS? If it can then yeah that's "FULL HD" but 1080p at 30FPS looks worse than 720 at 60FPS. There's even no benefit over 1080i which also runs at 30FPS (or 1/60 half FPS).

Editor's Correction: After posting the review, we've gotten word from an SCEA representative that the game will support 480p on the PlayStation 3 but not 720p. Our error was due to crossed information and we're sorry for the confusion. We will report back once we have the final copy in our hands.

Hopefully Sony is still working on their emulation based PS1/PS2 backwards compatibility, because that's the only way you'll get PS2 titles running at 720p (unless they supported it back on the PS2, such as Grand Turismo 4).

Update: Doh, IGN got mixed up: "we've gotten word from an SCEA representative that the game will support 480p on the PlayStation 3 but not 720p. Our error was due to crossed information and we're sorry for the confusion." So when does Sony announce PS3 is packing its own 'Ana' chip? We want upscaling!

Some games, like God of War 3, officially support up to 720p and 1080i. Some games can look noticeably blurrier when it's upscaled to 1080p (Bioshock is a great example) so I'll probably just set it to 720p or 1080i. Which one should I use though?

God of War III Remastered comes to the PS4 and looks better than ever. However, does it really add anything new to the PS3 original that came out back in 2010?When God of War III was released for the PS3 five years ago, it was one of the best looking console games ever released. At the time, the graphics were close to the CGI you would see from a Hollywood movie. Five years on, the game still looks pretty good.God of War III Remastered slightly improves on the already impressive visuals. The resolution jumps from 720p to 1080p and it now runs at a buttery smooth 60 frames per second.The differences are noticeable if you own a TV bigger than 40 inches. For anyone else, the changes are too subtle for you to really pinpoint anything different from the PS3 version. If you already own the PS3 version, the upgrade to PS4 won't be necessary.Sony did announce a few months ago that God of War III Remastered is aimed for gamers that never played the original game. According to the company, around 40 percent of PS4 owners did not have a PS3 console previously.For newcomers to the franchise, God of War III Remastered is a real treat because it's an epic and action packed hack-and-slash game that never gets boring. From the beginning until the very end, there is never a dull moment in this game.The God of War series thrives due to its high level of violent action and epic scale. Even during the tutorial, you will see Kratos walking across the titan Gaia as she climbs to the top of Mount Olympus. It's a grand sight that you rarely see from any other game out there.If you are new to the series, you may have to go back and read up on what it going on. The story doesn't give you any detail on what has happened in the previous games. Not to mention newcomers might be amazed at how ruthless Kratos is.Main characters are usually noble and are good role models. Someone like Batman doesn't kill his enemies and would never hurt innocent people. If there is one flaw in the God of War games, it's that players are forced to be bloodthirsty killers and that's what Kratos is.Kratos doesn't show any mercy and sympathy for anybody. It doesn't matter if it's an enemy or innocent people. He has one goal in mind and that's to get revenge on the Gods. I feel the game could have been slightly more interesting if it added a morality system that led to different outcomes.Gameplay wise, God of War III Remastered is excellent. The hack-and-slash gameplay never gets repetitive and the controls are easy to master. Kratos has a lot of cool animations that are violent and full of blood.Throughout the game, Kratos gets new weapons and magic attacks that he can use as well. To spice up the gameplay even further, there are puzzles to solve and numerous platform sections where Kratos is forced to jump and/or climb.Kratos will face lots of bosses in God of War III Remastered and most of them are huge and overwhelming. Thankfully, they're not too hard to overcome and quick time events allow you to finish them off in style.The only fault that I can find in the gameplay is the outdated camera system. The God of War series has a fixed camera system that might be a pain to some people. Maybe the camera system will finally change when an original PS4 release is due out sometime in the future.If you are new to the God of War series, God of War III Remastered is a must buy if you love action and violence. It's like if the Mortal Kombat series were ever turned into a third-person action game, you'll get God of War.However, God of War III Remastered sadly offers virtually nothing new if you already played the PS3 original. The visuals aren't all that different and the gameplay is exactly the same. Only newcomers should get this.Verdict: 8.0/10 2ff7e9595c


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